Thursday 19 March 2020

CVOID-19 leads to Work-From-Home for the Employees

As the number of coronavirus cases rise in Mumbai, to combat this situation, BMC commissioner Praveen Pardeshi has asked private firms in the city to function at only 50% of their staff capacity and to initiate ‘work-from-home wherever possible or has to face action under section 188 of the IPC.
The development comes in the wake of raising coronavirus-positive cases in the state and in Mumbai as well. Against the backdrop of coronavirus pandemic, this decision can help reduce the crowd in public areas, transport systems.
Prittle Prattle has initiated the work from home trend. They have made sure all the employees have their laptops and all the necessary documents. HR is responsible to make sure all the employees start working on the regular time. Even if they are not conducting client meetings, they are on constant call and email conversations with them. All the employees have to give timely updates about their work is done, and team meetings are done on video calls, where the daily task and agendas are discussed. As the team is hardworking, they have come up with solutions even in this bad situation and sync during the tough time too.
The work from home is the concept that gives flexible working hours to the employee where they can do their work by staying at home. The work from home situation is helpful for the employee to deliver work-life balance; the employee should also work to help the company get the work done, by completing the task allocated to them and achieving their targets.
There are both advantages and disadvantages of this work from home concept, but still, companies and entrepreneurs are offering this to its employees, for safety and precaution, form the widespread of coronavirus. This concept of work from home just got a big push from the current coronavirus.
The key to working from home is clear communication with your boss – and knowing exactly what’s expected of the employee. Due to the ever-evolving technologies like Skype, Face time, Google Hangouts, authenticator apps, and cloud computing—not to mention texting and email—it's no longer necessary to be in an office full-time to be a productive member of the team. In fact, many kinds of work can be done just as effectively, if not more so, from a home office.
Staying at home in a comfortable environment can boost employee productivity. Employees should keep in mind that the situation around is hot a holiday, it’s a natural disaster which has disturbed the workforces, and everyone should complete their work in order to keep the operations running and not making the company face any loss.
Whether the employee is working remotely one day per week (or more) or full-time—because of a health scare—it’s important to ensure that they are set up to be productive. This includes having a designated workspace with the right technology; ways of dealing with kids, pets, and other potential disruptions; and a schedule that allows for the social contact and stimulation that ordinarily comes from being in a workplace with others.
Working from home can be exciting, empowering and even profitable, provided employees are realistic about the pros and cons. But there are added responsibilities that come with freedom, not to mention planning, foresight, self-discipline, and focus.

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