Monday 16 March 2020 launches the first-of-its-kind report on Indian men’s Sexual Health

~ Survey busts the myth that aging adversely impacts sexual health ~
~ Lack of good sexual health is the direct result of lifestyle challenges ~
Mumbai, March 2020:, India’s first direct-to-customer (D2C) men’s health and wellness brand providing personalized boxes to address men's issues online, today released findings of its first-ever Men’s Sexual Health Report. The survey was responded to by over 5000 individuals in the age group of 18-70 years from cities spanning across metros and mini-metros.
The key highlights of the report included:
1)      Sexual health problems are often perceived as problems of aging. However, the fact that 57.2% of respondents are from the 18 to 30 years age bracket, we can gather that this perception is more myth than fact.
2)      37% of respondents admitted low to zero confidence that they will get an erection the next time they need one – an important parameter in a man’s sexual health evaluation; given how this is intrinsically linked to the idea of masculinity, it is a telling number. It is important to note that while this does seem to go down with age it is still a significant number for relatively younger people.
3)      69% of respondents reported that they ejaculate before partner satisfaction; this includes two types of problems – one set who ejaculate before penetration, and the other shortly after
4)      Lifestyle plays a huge role in maintaining good sexual health. Of those who admitted to having sexual health challenges,
a.     26% are also experiencing high-stress
b.      14.9% drink more than 90 ml of alcohol a week
c.      22.1% are smoker
Commenting on the findings, Gaurav Gupta, Co-Founder,, said, " Our main intention behind this exercise is to establish with men that they are not alone. In today's time and age they do not suffer due to sexual health problems- help is at hand, all they need to do is break the silence
He continued, “A previous survey conducted by us showed that stress was a key factor in premature ejaculation. This survey establishes that bad lifestyle habits may affect all aspects of sexual health. The survey itself has been a starting point for a conversation with the respondents, and we hope that we are able to break the taboo around the topic.”
About The Company’s mission is not only to put together and offer the very best products that science has to offer, through its AI-driven platform but also to get the country to talk about sex! This is, of course, an area shadowed by stigma, and therefore there is a compelling business and intellectual justification for the AI-driven platform that offers personalized therapy to men in the privacy of their mobile phones.

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