Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Botox versus Invasive Aesthetic Surgery

Long stigmatised by mainstream magazines, quick to point the finger at celebrities having had “plastic surgery”, by proponents of more “natural” treatments”, or by a part of the medical community, safeguarding their practices; Botox has now achieved a broad level of acceptance by the public. Botox injections have become the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure worldwide.
Each time we smile, laugh, frown or are surprised, we contract the muscles of our face. Over time, these expressions produce permanent lines and wrinkles on the skin, especially on the forehead, between the eyebrows and around the eyes and mouth. These lines and wrinkles can make one look older, sad, angry or tired. Botox, a therapeutic muscle-relaxing agent, can not only remove these lines and wrinkles from the face, erasing these signs of ageing but also can prevent the further development of new lines by relaxing the muscles, keeping us looking younger for longer.
When we talk about Botox, most people know of it as an injectable treatment used to combat signs of aging. There are so many misconceptions and myths attached to it. Let us dispel some myths: Botox, made of Botulinum Toxin A, is in fact a natural treatment, prepared from a bacterium. The harvesting of toxins from venoms, as an example, for healing purposes is in fact a very ancient practice. After it is injected, the body will break down the Botox molecules in harmless components that will be naturally expelled. This also means the treatment wears off after a few months (which is a long enough period to enjoy the amazing treatment and wish for more). There is absolutely no downtime after the procedure, which is conducted in a few minutes by the physician.
But very few know the other beneficial uses that might surprise them. It helps to reduce Hyperhidrosis,the medical term for excessive sweating that can cause frustration and distress. If the patient fail several prior treatments, including prescription, tropical antiperspirants and oral medications that reduce sweating.
Then they may be able to get Botox for hyperhidrosis. Botox can actually be used to create the look of a lift for specific facial features. Recent studies also found that Botox can elongate the forehead, creating a smoother looking canvas. Apart from lifting brows, Botox can be injected into the base of the nose for the appearance of a nose lift. Botox gives lips a subtle pout magnification by flipping out the lip line rolling the lip gently outward and giving the appearance of a fuller to make the lips look more attractive and beautiful.
The use of Botox is becoming more popular for those seeking to create a slimmer looking profile. Botox can offer a less invasive and less expensive alternative among masses as well as dermatologists.
After treatment, the appearance of the wrinkles begins to improve within 48 hours, with full results developing gradually over the next five days and to its maximum on day 15. Most patients achieve their desired results after just one session, although additional treatment sessions may be required in the future. The results of Botox injections typically last from three to four months after the first session. The response duration keep getting longer and longer after every session which means a time gap of more than a year after few sessions of Botox.
One can avail the treatment as soon as the first wrinkles appear, and repeat as often as required over the years. The key is to find an experienced doctor who will tailor the treatment to the patient’s needs: it is all down to the right quantity to get a natural result, and the skills of the physician who will be able to devise a personalized treatment plan. 
Botox have come a long way from its origin as a corrective treatment for crossed eyes. Early on few physicians knew that Botox’s treatment of muscle hyperactivity could have multiple uses. It is used medically to treat certain muscular conditions and non surgical cosmetic treatment. People also use Botox to treat excessive sweating, migrations, muscular disorder and some bladder and bowel disorders. Botulinum toxin can be injected into human body in extremely small concentrations.Beyond aesthetic applications Botox is used to treat a variety of medical problems including eye squints, migraines, excess sweating and leaky bladders. Botox is the most effective medical treatment used for wrinkles and other facial skin problems.  
In general cases, injections with botulinum toxins are generally well tolerated but in some rare cases. It also has some side effects. Around one percent of people receiving injections of botulinum toxin A develop antibodies to toxin that make subsequent treatments ineffective. Botox may cause some unwanted effects like Headache, nausea, temporary unwanted weakness of nearby muscles, swallowing. But it has some benefits also which makes it the most used and most trustworthy medical treatment by masses.

Dr. Ajay Rana
Founder and Director of ILAMED ( is one of the few professional educational institutions in the world that provides training and hands-on courses in Cosmetology & Aesthetic Medicine.


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  101. The lifestylephysicians skin tightening Warrenton VA is fantastic! Recently, I gave it a try, and the outcomes far above my expectations. The surgery was hassle-free and comfortable, and my skin felt firmer and younger. Anyone wishing to revitalize their skin and increase their confidence should definitely try Lifestyle Physicians Warrenton, in my opinion. We appreciate the talented staff at Lifestyle Physicians for delivering such excellent results!

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  103. I recently had the honor of receiving the lifestylephysicians Vampire Facelift Treatment Culpeper, and I couldn't be happier with the results! The clinic's knowledgeable staff made me feel at ease and thoroughly described the procedure. The Vampire Facelift uses platelet-rich plasma from my own blood to renew and restore the young appearance of my skin. There was almost no discomfort and no downtime throughout the procedure. My skin's texture, firmness, and overall radiance all significantly improved. The long-lasting and natural outcomes have increased my vitality and given me a more positive outlook. For anyone wishing to turn back the hands of time and enhance their natural attractiveness, I heartily recommend the Lifestyle Physicians Warrenton Vampire Facelift in Culpeper.

  104. Indulging blog, lifestylephysicians Warrenton VA Botox clinics have exceeded my expectations in every way! The skilled professionals and state-of-the-art facilities make for a top-notch experience. The results from my Botox treatments have been absolutely fantastic, leaving me feeling rejuvenated and confident. The staff's attention to detail and personalized approach ensure that I always receive the best possible care. Whether it's smoothing out wrinkles or achieving a more youthful appearance, these clinics have truly transformed my aesthetic goals. I highly recommend the Lifestyle Physicians Warrenton VA Botox clinics to anyone seeking exceptional results and a truly positive experience!

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