Wednesday 15 July 2020

Zee Talkies - नागराजचा पिटारा

झी टॉकीजवर येत्या रविवारी उघडणार 'नागराजचा पिटारा'
मराठी चित्रपट सृष्टीला दर्जेदार सिनेमा देऊन प्रेक्षकांना याड लावणारा दिग्दर्शक म्हणजे नागराज मंजुळेनागराजने दिग्दर्शित केलेल्या चित्रपटांनी इतिहास रचला आहेत्याच्या सैराट या चित्रपटाने तर १०० कोटींचा आकडा देखील पार केलाराष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार विजेता असलेला नागराज याची एक संवेदनशील दिग्दर्शक म्हणून ओळख निर्माण झाली आहेउत्कृष्ट चित्रपटांसोबतच नागराजने तितक्याच उत्तम शॉर्टफिल्म्स देखील बनवल्या आहेत.
त्यांच्या  शॉर्टफिल्म्स झी टॉकीज पहिल्यांदाच वाहिनीवर प्रसारित करणार आहेयेत्या रविवारी १९ जुलै रोजी दुपारी १२ आणि संध्याकाळी  वाजता नागराजच्या शॉर्टफिल्म्स 'नागराजचा पिटारामध्ये प्रेक्षकांना पाहायला मिळतीलनागराज यांच्या या पिटाऱ्यात 'पावसाचा निबंध', 'बिबट्या -  लेपर्डआणि 'पायवाटया तीन कलाकृती प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीस येतील. 'पावसाचा निबंधहि शॉर्टफिल्म नागराज यांनी दिग्दर्शित केली आहेजेव्हा नागराज फॅन्ड्री या चित्रपटाचे चित्रीकरण करत होते तेव्हा पावसामुळे चित्रीकरण थांबवावे लागले होतेत्यावेळी नागराजला आपल्या बालपणातील एक आठवण झाली आणि त्यातूनच या शॉर्टफिल्मची कथा त्याला मिळालीकान्स फिल्म फेस्टिवल मध्ये सिलेक्ट झालेली बिबट्या हि शॉर्टफिल्म नागराज यांनी प्रस्तुत केली असून या शॉर्टफिल्मची कथा एका बिबट्या शिरलेल्या गावावर आधारित आहेबिबट्याच्या हल्ल्यापासून वाचण्यासाठी संपूर्ण गावकरी हे घरीच असताना एक मुलगी हरवते आणि तिला शोधण्यासाठी स्वतःचा जीव मुठीत धरून गावकरी घराबाहेर पडतातत्या बिबट्याला पकडण्यासाठी गावकरी काय करतात हे या कथेमध्ये दर्शवलं आहेपायवाट हि शॉर्टफिल्म देखील नागराज यांची प्रस्तुती असून हि कथा एका सत्य घटनेवर आधारित आहेया लघुपटाला नॅशनल अवॉर्ड देखील मिळालाया लघुपटाची कथा एका गावातील मुलीवर आधारित आहे जी रोज खूप मोठं अंतर पार करत शाळेत चालत जाते.
झी टॉकीजने या तिन्ही शॉर्टफिल्म्स सादर करून प्रेक्षकांचा रविवारचा मनोरंजनाचा बेत बनवला आहेत्यामुळे पाहायला विसरू नका 'नागराजचा पिटारारविवार १९ जुलै दुपारी १२ आणि संध्याकाळी  वाजता फक्त झी टॉकीजवर.

Zee Talkies to air three iconic short films in ‘Nagraj cha Pitara’ festival on Sunday, 19th July
He is a filmmaker who focuses on realistic themes, a poet who uses words to express himself, a director of superhit films. Yes! we are talking about the one and only Nagraj Manjule. The two-time National award winner and an International award winner, and the maker of the highest-grossing Marathi film of all time. Nagraj has always been known for making movies that are based on his own experiences. He is of the belief that viewers watch a movie basis their experience with the topic. Highlighting the greatness of the man who dons many hats, Zee Talkies curates a special ‘Nagraj cha Pitara’ short-film festival. Set to air on Sunday, 19th July 2020, the short films will air twice at 12 noon followed by a repeat at 7 pm only on Zee Talkies.
Recipient of the National Award for the Best Director in Non-feature films, Nagraj’s Pavsacha Nibandh is the first movie in the line-up. The movie narrates the story of a family who must deal with the non-stop incessant rains in their area which ends up causing a lot of problems. Among this gloominess, the story focuses on a school going boy, whose only intention is to complete his homework in time for class the next day. This is followed by the short film Bibtya which was selected by the Cannes Film Festival. Highlighting the safety in the villages, the short film is based in a village that has been attacked by a leopard. They are forced to stay indoors so that they can hold on to their lives and not get attached. However, in this chaos, a girl goes missing and the entire village decides to look for her and attempt to catch the leopard. Winner of the Best Educational Film at the 63rd National Film Awards, Paywat – The Road Less Travelled is the last movie in the line-up. The movie narrates the story of a young girl from a village. The movie got its name from the real-life incident where the makers had to walk and create a pathway for themselves daily for 14km as they went to school.      
Zee Talkies has a perfect Sunday plan for its viewers. So don’t miss out on these outstanding short films and tune in to Zee Talkies on 19th July!!

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