Tuesday 13 October 2020

Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Li’l Champs| Aryananda Interview| Winner Season 8, 2020

·        How do you feel about winning the trophy of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Li'l Champs season 8?

This was an extremely overwhelming moment for me. I can’t believe that I won. I was so very proud and I’m glad that I participated in Zee TV Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Li’l Champs. I cried when I heard that I was the winner. I feel blessed and think this is God’s gift to me. During the lockdown, I stayed in Mumbai and practised really hard. It has all indeed paid off now.

·        What do you think helped you win the show?

While during the lockdown period all my peers moved back to their hometown, my father and I stayed back in Mumbai and I practiced day and night and worked very hard to better my art. But I feel God has been extremely kind to me, and without his blessings and the support of people who voted for me, I wouldn’t have made it this far.

·        How long have you been learning singing?

My father is a music teacher and he’s been doing that ever since. I developed a knack in music very early on in my life. I used to watch my father teach music to his students and I have always been so fascinated with it. As a child I used to listen to him teaching his students. My father is my first guru and whatever I know about music, all the lessons I received from my father.

·        Who is your inspiration from the industry?

While my father is a major inspiration for me in life, I too seek inspiration from and look upto Lata Mangeshkar Ji. I have always been a huge fan and I want to become like her in life. I want to become a famous singer like her. 

·        Who do you wish to work with?

I would like to work with AR Rahman sir. I am a big fan.

·        You are not familiar with the language Hindi; how did you manage to sing in the language?

Last year during the final audition, I did not even know one single word of Hindi. Thus, the I faced massive roadblock since I belong from the Southern part of the country and I could not speak the language Hindi.Since I am not familiar with Hindi, I did not know the pronunciations or the meaning of the words, so the grooming sessions really helped. With time, I got a hang of the language. While it was indeed difficult to study the lyrics of the song in such a short time, and while it was quite a challenge, I thoroughly enjoyed the process. Thus, now when it comes to singing, I want to learn different languages, and would like to start with Bollywood songs

·        Who would you like to dedicate this win and achievement to?

My family and I did not really expect this win. Everyone at home is beyond happy. I dedicate this victory to both my parents. Without them I wouldn’t be where I am today. Both my parents are music teachers. My mother used to write Hindi lyrics in Malayalam for me to ease the process. I am eternally grateful to both of them.

·        Now that you’ve won the show, what are your plans?

I want to explore all kinds of music and all different languages. While I will most definitely learn Hindi, I will also try and learn other languages too.

·        You have won Rs. 5 lacs. What are you going to do with the prize money? 

Right now, we live in a rented house, we are planning to buy a house with the money I won on this show and I will keep some money for my studies as well. 

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