Thursday 23 July 2020


New Delhi, 24th July, 2020: Goa Mining People’s Front (GMPF), which has been at the forefront in the on-going fight to protect livelihood of 3,00,000 Goans in the State who have lost their only source of livelihood today issues a warning to various so called  NGOs in the State at once to stop playing with the lives of people and  give up their selfish agenda’s under the Garb of protecting the State’s interest.
Mr. Puti Gaonkar, President, GMPF today said, "We are disappointed to see that few organisations who claim to have the interest of Goans in their minds indulge in reckless allegations against Goa Mining People’s Front (GMPF). GMPF is the body which has been at the forefront of seeking livelihood for all the mining dependents in the State of Goa which has been adversely affected due to mining stoppage."
 He further added that “We would ask Goancho Awaaz and Goa Bachao Abhiyan to visit and meet people who have lost their jobs in the mining belt go get an idea as to how people are suffering due to lack of jobs before passing such unreasonable comments and ill-informed comments. When talking about interest of Goa and Goans, these people should know and what understand what Goans want, GMPF represents lakhs of mining dependents in the mining belt and has been doing so for more than the last 2 Years When all concerned stakeholders in the State including the Hon’ble Governor and CM are trying to revive mining in the interest of protection of livelihood of Lakhs of Goans, Goa foundation is back to its usual tricks of mischief without any care or concern for the livelihood of Goans. We again demand that Goa Foundation and others should stop misleading people and stop playing with the livelihood of people for their own selfish reasons of Self Importance. There are the lives of people at Stake here.
Mr. Balaji Gauns – Vice President of GMPF and Panch of Dharbandora Panchayat said that “for the last last 9 years we have seen nothing but misery due to mining stoppage people in the mining belt are struggling for survival we are afraid in such a scenario these so called NGOs should not test the patience of us Goans. We don’t have animosity of ill will towards any single person but people should not play with our patience.
Mr. Gauns added that “Most of the NGO’s including Goa Foundation are run by non Goans, who are not Niz Goenkars (native Goans) and these people who only talk about the welfare of Goans but all their actions are against the welfare of Goans and due to the same Goans who have lived in the State for Generations in the mining belt are staring at a bleak future. Their only intention seems to be to ensure that Goa doesn't prosper”.
Abrupt stoppage of mining activities from March 16, 2018 in Goa, has resulted in livelihoods loss of more than 3,00,000 people. The unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic has further aggravated the State of Goa’s Economy as tourism sector, Goa’s biggest revenue and employment generator in absence of mining likely to be at stand still for the next 12 to 18 months. The copious job-loss in the state has furthered the challenge for Goa which was already entering into an economic downturn cycle after stoppage of mining activities in the State of Goa. People engaged in mining industry were hoping for relief from Supreme Court in the hearing which was scheduled on 23rd July 2020, but like for the last more than 2 years they too were left disappointed when the hearing was postponed to 18th August 2020, the request for policy reform from Goa Government for enabling Mining Resumption is also pending with the Government of India.

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