Tuesday 21 July 2020

World Vision India reaches over 3 million people with COVID-19 Emergency Response (COVER)

Chennai, 21 July 2020: Aligning with the ongoing relief work by the Government of India, World Vision India has helped with relief to the people most affected by the pandemic across states. In last three months, World Vision India has reached over 3 million people directly through its COVID-19 Emergency Response (COVER).
COVER majorly included awareness and prevention; strengthening medical facilities and food security along with child protection interventions. World Vision India’s teams are closely working with the district administration to provide people with basic essentials during these testing times. Relief assistance included providing cooked meals, dry rations, medical supplies, medical equipment and hygiene kits to the most vulnerable. As part of its emergency response; 4, 19,046 people were provided food assistance through food packets and dry ration and 5, 59,545 individuals were supported through cash voucher programmes. 95,254 hand wash supplies like soaps, detergents, sanitisers, buckets and 12,727 comprehensive hygiene kits were distributed to the vulnerable people.
75,545 children were supported with child protection interventions and 7,243 people including children, parents and caregivers were provided with education support and training. 47 community-level public handwashing stations have been established and maintained as on date. Additionally, 7, 06,937 people were reached through various awareness campaigns on the prevention of COVID-19.
5, 18,628 masks were handed over to health facilities, health workers and communities. 72,910 gloves have been distributed. 54,226 disinfectant / sanitation kits were provided to health facilities and 7,409 medical personnel’s were given personal protection equipment. 3,309 community health workers have been trained and supported to provide community-based services.
“World Vision India teams are working with the Government in assisting them meet the needs of vulnerable people. We plan to reach 3.5 million people through our relief and recovery response by September - 2020. Livelihood assistance will be a major area of focus for us to help families rebuild their lives and provide for their children. In all our response programmes, we ensure that vulnerable sections of the populations like families of migrant laborers, single mothers, people with disabilities and those who are unable to avail the benefits given by the Government are included”, said Franklin Jones, Head – Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs, World Vision India.
As a humanitarian relief organization, in times of calamities and natural disasters like Tsunamis, earthquakes, floods and droughts, World Vision India not only provides immediate relief, it is committed to ensure that the affected communities get back on their feet through long term rehabilitation initiatives. 
World Vision India is also a member of SPHERE India, whose members include key nodal agencies from the Government of India, UN, INGOs, NGO Networks and National NGOs.
However, with lockdown still in place in several states, there is still a dire need for food, hygiene kits, medical supplies, medical equipment and livelihood assistance.

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