Wednesday 8 May 2019

Turkey on Two Feet by Seema Bhide

Turkey on Two feet as my subject reads is indicating to -The Carian Trail, which is Turkey's largest Coastal Hiking Trail. Recently, Seema Bhide (age: 53 years) along with two other fellow woman hikers took this experience and they would like to share the same with you
Below are the highlights from their experience : 
  • The Carian trail is
    an unexplored and niche region –a true gateway to the Aegean culture. Stone-paved roads, beaches of unparalleled beauty, villages still preserving their traditional way of life, Neolithic wall painting, Hellenistic temples, the ancient cities, pine forests, and olive groves abound in these landscapes.
  • Seema trekked a part of the Carian Trail (60km) - around 10 – 13 km per day.
  • The trek was through varied landscapes – pine forests, scrubs, meadows, coastline twists and turns, ruins and rugged landscapes. It is amazing how they have managed to preserve the stone-paved roads, caravan routes, houses, castles, ruins, agricultural lands, cisterns, and harbors with features mirroring those of the distant past. Lesser-known ruins, big and small, are found along the route.
  • The group would end their day at the local pensions (guesthouse) relishing the local cuisine. The pensions were comfortable with hospitable and friendly locals.
  • The trail passed through some very remote villages, where they were served local authentic food .There were stunning views of the coastline throughout the trek. The group experienced Aegean Sea change colors throughout the trail – unforgettable views.
  • There were parts where the whole route was covered with white flowers, being the spring season. It was like walking on a carpet of flowers. There was a diverse range of flora and fauna. People were very informed and interested in nature.
  • A local dog followed them from one village to the other, infact he also trekked with them for 10 – 13km. It was with a very heavy heart that they had to let him go at the end since he was not ready to leave their side. They came across many friendly animals and that become a major part of their trail
  • On the last day, they enjoyed a boat ride in the crystal clearwaters of the Aegean Sea – one of the highlights of the trip.
Attached are the images from their experience. We will be happy to connect you with Ms. Seema over a call or email if you would like to know more about her recent trail and also upcoming adventures. Below are a few topics which we can author/ be a part of : 
  • Eco-Vacation Destinations of 2019
  • How can one Experience Turkey on two Feet?
  • How is it travel solo for a woman after 50?
  • Things woman need to consider while going on a solo trip? 

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