Wednesday 9 October 2019

Anti-counterfeiting solutions can curb revenue losses to the Indian economy; solutions to be taken up at Authentication Forum 2019 in New Delhi

Messe Frankfurt India
Dateline: October 2019
Solutions to be taken up at the Authentication Forum 2019 to curb revenue losses by counterfeits
Curbing counterfeits through proper implementation of authentication solutions, awareness and monitoring can save a revenue loss of more than Rs 50,000 crore per annum – ASPA. The Authentication Solution Providers’ Association (ASPA) together with Messe Frankfurt India announce the third annual edition of The Authentication Forum from 7 — 8 November in New Delhi to take up Counterfeiting concerns plaguing various industries.
The market for counterfeit also known as ‘fake’ products is huge, penetrating into every industry possible. Be it counterfeit medicines, fake auto parts, beauty products, FMCG products or software, this global menace of counterfeits has resulted in an estimated revenue loss of INR 1,05,000 lakh crore for the Indian economy, besides eroding brand equity and jeopardizing consumer rights and protection. If counterfeiting is curbed by 50 per cent through proper implementation of authentication solutions, enforcement, awareness and monitoring, it can save more than Rs 50,000 crore per annum.* To address the growing threat of counterfeit brands and curb the menace, the Authentication Solution Providers’ Association (ASPA) together with Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India Pvt Ltd have announced the third annual edition of The Authentication Forum 2019, a leadership summit on anti-counterfeiting and brand protection, scheduled on the 7 — 8 November 2019 at The Lalit, New Delhi.
In order to protect brands, businesses and most essentially consumer rights, this platform will help discuss solutions and effective strategies to address challenges that counterfeiting poses to the industry. Themed as ‘Winning the War- Combating Counterfeits’, the forum will bring together industry leaders and global experts along with top authorities from Government and regulatory like:
1.     Rajesh Aggarwal, Managing Director, Insecticides (India) Ltd
2.     Ramashankar Pandey, Managing Director, Hella India Lighting Ltd. & Chairman, Aftermarket Committee, ACMA
3.     Ulrike Kreysa, Vice-President Healthcare, GS1 Global Office
4.     Yash Pal Sachar, General Manager- Corporate Affairs, Honda Cars India Ltd  
5.     Dr Jayashree Gupta, President, Consumers India
6.     Amartyaa Kumaar Guha, Associate Director- Supply Chain, Flipkart
7.     Amit Kale, Assistant Vice President- SME Packaging, Automation & Quality Control, Reliance Industries Ltd
8.     Arshad Jamil, Associate Vice President & Head- Intellectual Property Rights, Biocon Biologics India Ltd
9.     Ashraf Ali, Anti-counterfeit Manager- India, Bayer CropScience Ltd
10.  Harendra Bana, Associate Director- Security, PepsiCo| India Region
11.  Jayashree Gupta, President, Consumers India
12.  Pankaj Kumar Patodi, Head Supply Chain, Godfrey Phillips India Ltd among others ….
Topics like the role of government and industry in curbing counterfeit menace; what other countries/global brands are doing to combat counterfeiting; consumer empowerment in the fight against fakes; implementing an end-to-end anti-counterfeiting system- perspectives from different industries; evolution of brand protection and the way forward will be the major highlights that the eminent speakers will address.
The must attend event will target industries like pharmaceuticals, FMCG (beverage, alcohol, consumer packaged goods), automotive components, crop protection (pesticides, insecticides, seeds) and E-commerce that face massive counterfeiting threats hampering the overall economy of the country. This will also be an ideal platform to network and exchange insights with cross-industry peers, solution providers and thought leaders, understanding the key challenges faced by major brands across industries and review opportunities to enhance brand safety.
The two day knowledge forum will host decision makers and top management attendees including, Government department officials and agencies involved in consumer protection, regulatory compliance, revenue protection and issuing authorities; CEOs; CMOs; heads - supply chain, regulatory affairs, product packaging; brand managers; brand & packaging consultants, brand protection, enforcement, security, integrity and management companies; physical and digital authentication solution providers; law enforcement agencies, IP organisations and enforcement companies; customs and state excise officials; consumer activist and consumer organisations.
Messe Frankfurt has been the first trade fair organiser worldwide to launch an initiative against brand and product piracy: “Messe Frankfurt against Copying” which aims to ensure that exhibitors and visitors are fully informed and advised about the registration and assertion of intellectual property rights. In India, Messe Frankfurt has been actively involved in addressing the rising concerns on counterfeit products sold in the automotive aftermarket together with the Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India (ACMA). Extending this initiative to other sectors, the Authentication Forum aims to be the collective voice of the industry to tackle sub-standard goods in a synergised manner.
The Authentication Solution Providers’ Association (ASPA) is the only association of its type in the world primarily focused on the adoption and advancement of authentication technology and solutions for brand, revenue and document protection. ASPA members protect over 15,000 brands worldwide through the identification of genuine products and documents. ASPA works closely with global authorities such as International Hologram Manufacturers Association (IHMA), Counterfeit Intelligence Bureau (CIB), FICCI-CASCADE, Indian Beverage Association (IBA) & others industry bodies in India.


  1. Industries and consumers are losing on their brand value, credibility and customer loyalty big time. The difficulties involved in identifying, sealing upon and prosecuting offenders are increasing every day. Thank you for sharing this information..
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  2. Brand protection refers to the process of protecting the intellectual properties (IP) of businesses and their associated brands against copyright theft and infringement.
    Many brand owners with unique products are worried about the protection and conservation of their products. If you are also looking for some anti-counterfeiting solutions.

  3. Thanks for sharing valuable information
    The harmful effects of counterfeiting can be avoided by protecting your brand with carefully developed anti-counterfeiting solutions. Brand integrity can be tricky to foster in a business considering the ever-evolving nature of customer expectations.

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  7. Many brand owners with unique products are worried about the protection and conservation of their products. If you are also looking for some anti-counterfeiting solutions.

  8. With LetsVeriFy’s Brand protection solutions, brands will get an edge in the industry. Remove the stress of constantly combating the supply of fake products in the market. Let us do the work! Contact us to get clarity of our advanced digital solutions.

  9. Counterfeiting is one of the most common challenges prevalent in organizations. Thus, in today’s world, it is all the more important to opt for effective brand protection solutions such as the ones offered by Lets Verify.

  10. Brand protection solutions are vital for business growth. It saves time as there is no dealing with counterfeiters. The industries can solely focus on expanding their business and not worry about the cheap tactics which the counterfeiters play.

  11. Lets Verify is one such service provider that provides accurate anti counterfeiting solutions to help brands fight the problems of fake products.

  12. Anti counterfeiting solutions are a powerful technology that can save businesses from counterfeiting practices.

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  14. Brand loyalty programsare marketing initiatives designed to incentivize customers to continue purchasing products or services from a particular brand.
