Wednesday 9 October 2019

Today's Insurance Alertss - 482

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Only 18% senior citizens have health insurance  

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Around 100 two-wheeler users a day die for want of a helmet 

At Rs 1 lakh, India's bank deposit insurance lowest in world

Reinsurance pricing could be jeopardised by capital influx, reports suggest

AIBEA requests Nirmala to exempt GST on premium on Group Medical Insurance Policy for Senior Citizens 

Insurers need to illustrate benefits clearly from December 1

SBI study recommends Rs 2 lakh bank deposit insurance cover 

When the going gets tough after divorce, Life Insurance keeps you going

Disrupting the future of Insurance pricing through digital, voice behaviour

Not worried about market movement: LIC

Asia:Insurers in the region are less upbeat about investment outlook  

 Munich Re Backs Small Business Insurtech Next Insurance with $250 Million

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Today's Opening Update Insurance Companies Shares
Today's closing update insurance shares

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Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. — Vince Lombardi  

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