New Delhi, 22nd October 2019: With the festival of lights just around the corner, News18 India has planned a special treat for its viewers. The channel has commenced a Diwali Dhamaka Contest through which one gets a chance to win LED TV, Smartphones & Bluetooth Speakers.
Till 26th October, News18 India will be airing the contest every hour from 9 AM to 9 PM. The viewers have to give a miss call whenever they spot the contest ad running on the channel to register themselves for the contest. The registered participants stand a chance to win bumper prizes such as Bluetooth speakers every hour, smartphones every day and a bumper prize of LED TV during the contest period.
In addition to the mega contest, News18 India has also lined-up special programming for the viewers around Diwali. Adding to the festive cheer, the Diwali special edition of popular weekend show Lapete Mein Netaji will feature renowned singer Sukhwinder Singh being grilled by satirists. The special series ‘Shriram Path’ will narrate untold tales and mystic legends associated with the epic Ramayana & Diwali.
So hurry up! Tune into News18 India to win amazing rewards and make this Diwali special.
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