Sunday, 12 May 2019


Announcement Of The Film "I Am Not A Porn Star Nazar Sambhal Ke"  saw the presence of Chanda Patel, Neha Kala 
 The film has unique cast with Sandip Soparrkar playing the lead role along with new comers. It was all glee on the face of Sandip Soparrkar, who stated that, “As my first film in a prominent role as an actor it was difficult to choose this film as the ‘one film’ where I could try my knack for acting but, not only by the title “I am not a Pornstar Nazar Sambhal Ke!” that I was mesmerised but the way the script takes the journey in the heart of the heart and play in the greys that we go through while in a relationship.I Am Not A Pornstar Nazar Sambhal Ke (Mind Your Gaze) is a film, breaking the perspectives that prevails in the mind of what we have seen so far and to come out with a refreshed view of a subject in respect to -so far done on the intricacies in relationship to build it or to walk-out?.”
“The life cycle of a movie usually ends on Monday after it comes out, to a producer like us working in a film industry it’s all a dream, but when your title I Am Not A Pornstar Nazar Sambhal Ke! and unveiling the poster at World Film Festival in Los Angeles makes all inquisitive about your film and here we are at the unveiling of the Cover Page it is surely a start of the exercise to present the film to the Viewers, a film that is unique and needs uniqueness in marketing - we are going to take the film to the film festivals around the world and then bring it to the theatres” said Chanda Patel 
Written and to be directed by, Jainendra Baxi said that, “A film having clarity about promotion and business in contemporary time and prevailing pattern in the movie business the posters is the first introduction other than anything.” 
I Am Not A Pornstar Nazar Sambhal Ke is a film, breaking the perspectives that prevail in the mind of what we have seen so far and to come out with a refreshed view of a subject in respect to -so far done on the intricacies in relationship to build it or to walk-out? 
The film is going to emancipate the feeling that the youth today in the state of their minds have changed but they are not able to position themselves, out-rightly. 
The reluctance in freely displaying their feelings bars the paradigm shift that’s there in their mind. The independent professionals have taken the transition. Still the young entrants their thought processes bound with their cultural bondage. 
Cinematically the film has a narration and shots those are, explicitly natural and the camera movement always a point of view. The film is 80% in English and it is shot here in Mumbai keeping the flawlessness in casting. 
The film exhibits the ideas and ideals that, matured fe/male thinks about relationship & marriage. How & how outrightly spoken in the drama by the characters that they give themselves a CHANCE to - find the perfect balance in their profession and personal lives they are, living!
Banner: Blue Diamond Production House LLP; Writer-Director: Jainendra Baxi; Producer: Chanda Patel. 


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