Friday 23 April 2021

Rais Shaikh requests Mumbai police to take an initiative against the Paparazzi.

India has reported a spike in cases within the last month, with Maharashtra leading with more than 31,000. Rais Shaikh, the MLA of Bhiwandi East, went beyond his line of duty to ensure that relief was provided to the needy. “Free healthcare to all” is his new motto. But there's only so much he can do to help the citizens.
“By now we are all aware that citizen’s health is of utmost concern. I request the Mumbai police that they should not allow paparazzi together at public places just to click some pictures of celebrities. Putting lives at risk just for some entertainment gossip is not journalism.” tweeted by MLA, Rais Shaikh on social media. It is said that a lot of young lives are being affected more during this second wave and that a lot of young lives have been lost and there is no need to lose more.
The frontline workers who are being asked to work more than necessary are found beyond exhausted trying to save the lives of those infected. There is no space found in hospitals, overcrowding is becoming a major issue in Mumbai, as there is a shortage of beds and oxygen supply. Taking the vaccination can help prevent severe symptoms but added safety precautions need to be followed to prevent a more fatal wave from happening.
Mumbai police need to take an initiative to stop overcrowding in public areas. The paparazzi looking to find work and gossip on the lives of celebrities put an added risk of catching the virus, as well as a strain for the healthcare workers who are trying their best to help control the situation without the citizens taking precautions themselves

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